How to Keep Your Bones Healthy


Many people think that weak bones are compared to old age, but, in reality, it is not like that. Genetics, eating habits, and bone construction during the increased spurts of adolescence, can all interfere with bone quality. Try imagining your body without bone strength. 

Could you imagine it? It's almost impossible, isn't it? Without bones, walking, growing up, running, or jumping would be impossible. Because of that, bone health is critical to our life quality. The good news is that there are many many ways of keeping your bones strong and avoiding the so dreaded osteoporosis. 

Have you ever heard about it? Osteoporosis is a disease that makes our bones weak and porous; As we age, it can increase the risks of bone fractures, especially on the hips, ribs, and femoral neck. If someone in your family suffers from this disease, chances are you will also suffer from it in the future. Learn what you can do to have healthy and sound bones:

1. Consume foods rich in calcium

Calcium is an essential mineral for our teeth and bones. But, for it to be absorbed by the body, you also need to get vitamin D, either through sunlight or food. Chard, almonds, broccoli, kale, spinach, beet leaves, etc., are great sources of calcium.

2. Consume Vitamin D

People with low vitamin D levels are more prone to lower bone density. This vitamin helps the body absorb calcium, and, according to studies, approximately 1 billion people around the world have a vitamin D deficiency.

3. Get Vitamin K2

It acts on bone formation, preventing calcium loss.

4. Magnesium

It helps the body absorb vitamin D and calcium.

5. Zinc

It helps the mineral construction of bones, avoiding damage.

6. Omega 3

Its anti-inflammatory effect helps prevent bone loss during the aging process.

7. Practice physical exercises

Machines tend to wear out with continuous use, right? The human body doesn't work like that. It is such a perfect machine that it gets better the more we use it. So, prioritize weight maintenance exercises, such as running, walking, jumping rope, skiing, and going upstairs.

8. Avoid caffeine and sodas

Excess caffeine can interfere with our body's capacity to absorb calcium. According to studies, people who don't consume enough calcium, and drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day, had more bone loss than what's considered normal. Besides that, it is necessary to take into account that sodas have in their composition an acid that directly attacks our bone health.

9. Avoid cigarettes

According to recent studies, smoking can prevent the body from absorbing calcium, which decreases bone mass. Now that you understand how to keep your bones strong and healthy, it will be easier to take care of them and make sure that they are in perfect condition. And remember: 

If you feel any pain or discomfort in your bones, seek a specialized doctor to help you with the best treatment for your case. Don't waste any time: Start taking care of your bones right now, by practicing physical activities and paying attention to what you eat. This way, you will have amazing bone health!